Monthly Archives: July 2013

Review: NIGHTLIFE #4

NIGHTLIFE #4 by Dale Lazarov
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For those unfamiliar with Dale Lazarov’s work, you might be confused at first glance. It might resemble a comic book but there are no words. His books are more akin to storyboards; sensual images without written dialog.

In Nightlife #, Dale explores territory not often seen in erotic fiction; physical disability. Other authors probably shy away from the topic because readers might think it too weird, too gimmicky or just not sexy but Dale and his illustrator Bastian Jonsson deftly portray a sensual storyline that puts disability front and center with great dignity. Without the dialog so much of the story is left to the reader. Are they veterans of a war? Accident victims? In the end it doesn’t matter. Nightlife #4 is moving, thoughtful and very very sexy.

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